Recent Projects and Clients
Our client base is varied, both large and small, but with an emphasis on getting results directly from improvements to systems and production.
The following is a brief overview of some recent consultancy work:
The following is a brief overview of some recent consultancy work:
* Gateway Chassis Ltd., part of the Wheels Solutions Group, manufacture bespoke engineered solutions for the UK and European holiday homes market. They engaged us as their 'Group Production Engineering and Management Consultants'. Two of their production lines have seen an increase in production of 113% on certain assemblies.
* Service Timber, a manufacturer of Ottoman beds, where after three days output per man hour worked had increased by 78%
* Total Oil, at their North Lindsey refinery, as part of a sub-contract through another company. Tool-in-hand time for maintenance fitters rose from an average of 12% in the initial analysis to 67% on the final day of the project.
* Atom Brewery - increase of 35% output following a day on their primary production facility in East Yorkshire.
* Provider of Interpretation Services, primarily to the NHS - we were asked to pick up the implementation of a major new IT system that was 8 months late. Within three working days aspects were up and running with the old system phased out and the new system going completely live within 3 months.
* Vivergo Fuels Ltd., working on Condition Based Monitoring (CBM) maintenance systems, Spare Parts requirements and Stores administration and management
* BP, saving them £3¼ million after a three day consultancy.
* Food manufacturer increasing output by 100% and reducing staff levels.
* Training Group4 staff in a range of qualifications and advising on their production workshops.
* Light engineering company increasing capacity by 100% – with the need to employ 1 extra man.
* Plastics vac-former, based in Hull, reducing changeover times from over 24 minutes to less than 1 minute.
* Foundries injection moulding aluminium, taking changeover times from 36+ hours down to 2½ hours on major capital plant.
* CNC shop increasing output whilst simultaneously eliminating their night shift requirements.
* Ministry of Defence contractors increasing productivity to such an extent that they did not need to spend £250K on a new CNC machine.
* Total Productive Maintenance projects resulting in increased uptime with reduced maintenance - a range of machines and sectors.
* Analysis on finishing, fettling and machining to increase output.
We can arrange for one of our team will be able to drop in at a time that suits you to have a look at your processes and give some immediate feedback. Click Here for our Contact Page.
Oils - Defence - Health Service - Engineering - Chemicals - Food and Drink - Manufacturing - Business Improvements - Casting
07903 189865, [email protected]
Registered in England and Wales. Registration number 07644480
07903 189865, [email protected]
Registered in England and Wales. Registration number 07644480
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